En la lección de hoy hablaremos sobre el medio ambiente, el cambio climático y el calentamiento global. Un tema que debería preocuparnos a todos ya que estamos hablando de la salud de nuestro planeta y cada vez hay más catástrofes naturales y más animales están en peligro de extinción. Como siempre tenemos un vídeo con … Read more

Podcasts for the GCSE Spanish

Podcasts to practice your listening skills Here you have a list of proposed podcasts that will help you to improve your listening skill and successfully pass your GCSE Spanish exam. Click on the link, read the questions carefully, and listen to the audio, after that go back to the questions and answer them. Once you … Read more

Gustar, how to say like in Spanish

In English “to like” is a regular verb that takes a direct object: I like running, do you like go to the gym?… To say what you like and don’t like in Spanish you have to use the verb gustar, which literally means “to be pleasing”.  It can sound a bit odd, but in the … Read more

GCSE Spanish Tips and Advice

If your GCSE Spanish exam is just around the corner, it is necessary you know what the exam involves, what topics you have to work with, and how to do it more efficiently. You should identify what your weakest points are so that you can start to focus on them. Don’t worry because we are … Read more

AQA Spanish GCSE Grammar

We have organized the grammatical requirements for GCSE Spanish into 40 grammar lessons (click on the links to see the grammar syllabus). You will need to acquire extensive knowledge and understanding of Spanish grammar, gradually over the duration of the year, since this requires not only theory but a lot of practice. In the exam,  … Read more

AQA GCSE Spanish Vocabulary

Having a solid foundation of vocabulary is essential when it comes to learning any language, it is a fundamental tool to develop our communicative abilities. The more vocabulary you know, the more chance you will have of achieving a good mark, it will also help you in the four skill areas the exam is divided … Read more