Los saludos – Greetings

Being polite will be a very important part of your speaking test. Whatever you do during the exam, what is certain is that you will have to say hello and say goodbye. So pay special attention to the phrases that we are going to study in this activity.

Cómo saludar en español

Click on the speaker to hear the audio, click again to mark the box, and match the expression you hear with its English translation.

Don’t forget to repeat each expression several times to familiarize yourself with its pronunciation!

List of greeting in Spanish

Here is the list of greetings in Spanish. These activities are part of our lesson 1.3 “Being Polite”.

hola hello
buenos días good day / good morning
buenas tardes good afternoon / good evening
buenas noches good night
hasta luego see you later
hasta el lunes see you on Monday
hasta mañana see you tomorrow
hasta pronto see you soon
adiós goodbye
¿qué tal? what’s up?
¿cómo estás? how are you? (informal)
¿cómo está? how are you? (formal)
muy bien very well
bien well
no muy bien not very well

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